In honor of
World Environment Day, and to clarify some of the issues around the composting
of dairy packaging, and also composting terminology, I wrote an article, "On World Environment Day, think about this: Composting for dairy packaging may becoming sooner than you think" as a guest blog piece for Dairy Foods.
Compostable packaging
will figure strongly both with exhibitors as well as with speakers at the IFTAnnual Meeting and the Global Food & Beverage Packaging Summit that are coming to Chicago in July, 2015
According to
Daphna Nissenbaum the CEO of TIPA, who is a speaker at the Global Food & Beverage Packaging Summit, "As more municipalities develop a food waste
collection infrastructure for composting, or as cities like New York encourage
consumers to take food waste for composting to drop off sites as a part of the
NYC Recycles program, the possibility of including compostable flexible
packaging with food waste will have a major impact in diverting this type of
packaging from landfill."
For brand
owners and companies interested in composting the US Composting Council (follow
on Twitter @USCompostingCou), offers useful fact sheets and free reports as
does the Michigan State Extension (@MSUExtension) and GreenBlue
(@GreenBlueorg), an environmental nonprofit dedicated to the sustainable use of
materials in society.
The City of New
York (@NYCgov), through the NYC Department of Sanitation (@NYCRecycles),
oversees NYC’s waste prevention, recycling and composting programs, and offers
drop-off sites throughout the five city boroughs as well as a Master ComposterCourse.